Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weird weather

We've had strange weather here in Yellowknife over the past few days. The mercury's been spending a lot of time around the -10C mark. While walking to the gym last week, I noticed the sign outside the YK Centre was showing -4C. Normal temperatures at this time of year range from -18C to -28C.

We've also had a lot of humidity - yes, the damp winter cold dreaded in so many parts of Canada. One of the consolations of living in Yellowknife is that we supposedly have a dry climate - our payback for putting up with -40.

All that humidity, however, means that the trees are coated in frost and look fabulous. Here are a couple of shots I took today.

1 comment:

Robley H said...

We, too, have had strange weather -- snow and ice and lingering cold. I have taken pictures like yours, though of less majestic trees. It has been lovely, and deadly.